Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's Real Life - Momentous Occasion

It's that time of week again and I almost missed it. It's been a busy, busy week but here's my post for "It's Real Life". This week's theme is "momentous occasion". I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of wedding and baby photos and I'm not about to disappoint. Remember, you can participate by clicking on the "It's Real Life" badge to the left which will take you to Farm Fresh. You can also go there to see the list of participants and go to there blogs to see what they have posted. Here's my momentous occasions:

My wedding - what can I say, it was a beautiful day all around.

My Children's births -

Gabriel in February 2004, 9lb 8 oz. I'm so pale and he's so yellow. Can you believe that when I told his nurses that he was yellow they told me no, he wasn't and just sent us home. Bad nurses! He was neon by the next day.

Zion in October 2006, 9lb 10oz and a wild woman from the get go. Her feet were so big they almost didn't fit on the foot print card.

and Gideon, 10lb 7oz. Yep, pale again. So many nurses by now have informed me that redheads bleed more. Apparently in my case a lot more. At least this one didn't get jaundice.

Serving Overseas -

My first opportunity to serve God overseas took me to Asia. Here are a few of the items that I picked up while there (and one that I picked up here). I loved my experience, it was truly amazing and a privilege.

My second trip took me to Italy. Here's a photo of some of my team members. This was also amazing but completely different. My team and I had to be rather, mmm, discrete on the first trip. On the second I stood in a piazza wearing a clown costume and gave my testimony. There was a reason for the costume, I promise.


Erin said...

I have heard that about red heads bleeding alot... they also told me I was a bleeder because I have strawberryish in my hair... it took me a while to bounce back after this one to a "normal" color... and he was neon nasty jaundice....
Thank you for sharing! Love the artifacts from your trip! Beautiful babies! WHOPPERS!!!

Unknown said...

What a great collection of moments. You were a beautiful bride & beautiful right after the births -pale and all-.

Sounds like those mission trips were fabu!