Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just Kid Stuff (But No Baby)

I got to go to my MOPS meeting today (i.e. I was not in labor). The gals at my table were so sweet and threw me a mini-baby shower complete with the cutest cake. Thanks so much Adeliz, Chris, Nancy, Erin, Jennifer, Paula, Andrea and Jennifer! You guys are awesome!

After the meeting I went to get Gabe from the 3/4 year old room and the teachers almost wouldn't let me have him back. ;) He was the last one there and playing Play-Do and making some pretty interesting things that fascinated them. Then one of the teachers was like "watch this" and went to Gabe and "hoo-hooed" a note and asked him to do it back which he did perfectly. She looked up beaming at me and said she was a music teacher (or something to that effect) and said it was very cool that he could do that, most kids his age can't repeat a note like that. It's very cool to have someone brag about your own child to you. It's usually the other way around (like I'm doing right now I guess). They were enjoying him so much I actually had to leave and go get Zion and come back to get him.

Zion has been adding words to her vocabulary faster than I can keep track of them. Lately it's been "down" and "loud" the most. She really, really, really likes "loud" but refuses to learn "quiet". I guess it wouldn't really be Zion if she was quiet anyway. She also gets "guck" (stuck) a lot and asks for her "gip gup" (milk cup) which is sometimes also called a "bup". Lately I've noticed that if she gets an owie she tries to console herself and cries "baby, baby, baby" over again in a similar way to how I say "oh, poor baby" when I'm trying to make her feel better.

Tonight it was my project to go through Gabe and Zion's "too small" bins and pull out all the newborn and 0-3 clothes. From p.j.s to outfits to teeny shoes - oh the memories! Rob and I had to laugh though when we pulled out the tiny little New England Patriots shoes that someone had given us when Gabe was born and we lived in Rhode Island. Anyone want these shoes? Even if this little one is a boy it is unlikely that the shoes will see use from us anymore. Nothing against the Pats, of course.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

So neat to hear how your child blesses and, let's be honest, impresses others! Way to go Gabe! :)

How awesome your table is! What a delight to be pampered with such love. I love MOPS! You're a special lady, Julie and we all love you so much. Now.. get that baby here! ;)