Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Have I mentioned lately how cute this kid is.  I know he’s mine and all but he nearly explodes my heart a dozen times a day with his cuteness.  His mannerisms, the things he says even just his voice.  It’s all just so darn cute.

I ask if he’s poopie.  He says “No, Mama, I pretty good.”

Today I asked and he said “Yes (and he holds up his finger) I be back in minute.” and he dashes off to find the box of batteries to fix his train first.

As I’m typing this I peer over and see him up on a stool attempting to sprinkle fish food in the betta tank.  He loves chores. 

He calls his vitamins “vitacines” (vitamins + medicine no doubt).  “Mommy, Viiii-taCINes” he sings.

I told him it was naughty to get into the medicine (he rubbed Menthol Camphor on his face, he thinks it’s Aquaphor) and he said “I did dat, sorry ‘bout dat.”

He answers every question very confidently and without hesitation no matter who I’m talking to, most often NOT him.  It’s like having a living Magic 8 ball following me around.

Right now his favorite movie is “Spickle Me” (Despicable Me) and he tries to copy the littlest girl when she makes the annoying noise and tries to dance like the people at the end of the movie.  Two-year old + disco = hilarious.

Today he was the subject of most of my photos and my pic of the day (the one on the left).


He followed me outside when I went out to watch Gabe walk home from the school bus stop so I grabbed my camera and shot some pictures while we waited.  I thought it was especially cute that he was wearing overalls today which was his choice so I had him sit on the milk box (we get milk delivery – best milk EVER).  But mostly because I would like to live a lot more rural than we do so sometimes I pretend that we are living on 21 acres instead of .21 acre and overalls and milk boxes help me do that.  Gotta keep my delusions, I mean dreams, alive.

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