Thursday, March 3, 2011


I’m a sick, sick person.  And when I say that I mean it literally.  I’ve got a head cold that is kicking my butt.  I’m starting to wonder if it may be a sinus infection.  Blech.  Somehow, despite feeling SO bad and not stepping foot out of the house, I managed to take 64 pictures yesterday.  It was seriously difficult to choose just one for my picture of the day.  Here are some of my runner-ups (along with the Chain Chomp hat photos I’m saving for another post):


Zion is concentrating super hard on drawing a picture for her AWANA homework, a picture of Jesus teaching.


Elias and those eyes of his.  He’s munching on a banana in a mesh feeder.  He makes the funniest slurping noises.


Elias has figured out how to pull up on to his knees.  His dismount needs a little work though so be looking for some bruises in future photos.  Winking smile


We had super high winds and heavy rain yesterday.  The rain was blown against our sliding glass door so the tree in our backyard looked like it was melting.  Make note that this photo is in full color, not black and white.  I love a gray day.


But upstairs in the new room it wasn’t gray at all.  Zion was having a blast goofing off on her new bed.  She’s been on a ballet kick lately (may need to start pricing dance lessons around here) and this is one of her favorite poses.

And while I was in love with all of those photos and these were initially the only ones I was considering at the last minute a different one caught my eye.  Can’t exactly say why but there was just something about this photo of my girl, my photo of the day just had to be this one:


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