Technically Gideon doesn't turn 1 until Tuesday but he enjoyed a wonderful party today. At least
I thought it was wonderful. Here at the end of the day as the kids are in bed and the dishwasher is loaded my mind goes back to why I named my blog "wellblessed". I think of it frequently actually but today is a perfect example. Was it the most excellent decorations covering every inch of a grand house? No, though the decorations were pretty cute if you ask me. The best gifts in high number? Nope. An expensive cake/catered food/pony rides/clowns? Nope, not those either. What makes us well-blessed is having our friends and family who come and help when we need it and who are there on the special days that we want to share.
Matthew and Nora brought their kids a full two hours early. Matthew slaved away mowing the overgrown yard and Nora helped me with last minute tidying. Later Nora took pictures of this special event so that I could concentrate on other things and still have pictures - what a gift in itself. Jamie and her family ran to the store when they got here just so I could have Gideon's special balloon filled. Once the party started Matthew once again stepped up to man the grill so we could enjoy Polish Dogs, Brats, and terriyaki chicken patties. While Gideon "opened" his gifts Jamie captured all of the cute stuff on my new camcorder so we can send video to Rob. And at one point during the party Bob stepped out to the garage and put in an outlet for me so that I can get a freezer out there. With all this one might think I did nothing the entire time but believe me, I was still one busy lady. One busy lady who got to enjoy her baby's first birthday party, who wasn't stressed with everything that needed to get done and who felt cared for and very well-blessed the whole day. What a lucky family we are to have friends and family like this!
I know that Gideon doesn't understand what a fortunate baby he is to have so many people chip in to make his day special but he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He loves company, he loves people in general but especially people who pretty much come just to dote on him. He giggled and played until it was time to eat, opened gifts and actually played with his toys more than the boxes they came in and devoured his cake with fervor then giggled and played some more. Now you are wondering when you get to see the pictures. I bet you are! Well, you'll have to have a little patience. It's late, I'm tired, I still need to get the pics off my camera and see if I can figure out how to get the videos off the camcorder. Soon, soon. I promise! Until then I hope that you will take a moment to count your blessings.