Finally finished and given so now I can post pictures. It actually didn't take that long to knit but since I was so excited to give it to my friend Alta that time seemed to drag (not, I'm sure, as much as it seems to be dragging for her in her last few weeks of pregnancy). The other day was sunny so I got to take a picture in natural light. Maybe a little too sunny though as the colors seem a little washed out but anyway, I digress (it's my superpower).

Little baby kimono, shoes and pacifier holder. I wish I could think of some cute little name for the
paci thing but I guess that's not where my creativity lies. Wasn't (mostly) designing the thing enough?

A better look at the
paci keeper. I found a
paci that has little eyes and nose like a frog and a frog button.

And tiny little shoes! I'm fairly amazed that these turned out even close to the same size. I've never knit anything in a pair before so I was half expecting one to be much larger than the other or something like that it being my first time and all. They are shaped slightly different since I'm not the greatest at seaming yet but still. All in all, they actually look like a pair of shoes.

And finally the little kimono shirt. I knit
one of these before if you recall but this time I thought I'd try it in stockinette with a seed stitch edge instead of garter. I like it!

And I even managed to box it up all pretty. I am not a good gift wrapper. Ask my sis. She will get a great deal of joy in telling how I am not a good gift wrapper. For this I took time to lay everything out and fold tissue over it all nice and pretty in a simple white box that I tied up with grosgrain ribbon that matched the color of the yarn. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
Now I'm working on a waterfall scarf knit with ribbon yarn. This will be a fun experiment since the pattern does not call for ribbon yarn and you knit the whole thing up only to drop every fourth stitch and let it run the entire length of the scarf. I've not worked with drop stitches before so I can't wait to finish and experience the thrill of dropping stitches totally on purpose (usually that's a bad, bad thing). This appeals to my naughty side which is usually told to be quiet. And most of that probably doesn't make sense to most of you so just keep checking back for a picture.
*In case you are wondering, I had written this post a few days ago and scheduled it to post on Monday. I had totally forgotten that I did this until after it posted. So no, I was not joyfully writing about my knitting on the day my mother passed away.
1 comment:
Oh my gracious, these are beyond adorable. Can I borrow some of that talent?!
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