Sunday, November 2, 2008

As Promised (and Other Stuff)

A photo of the felt food that I made Zion for her birthday. A stack of flapjacks, a fried egg, two slices of bacon, a couple slices of bread with peanut butter and jelly or ham, Swiss cheese, lettuce and tomato. I've got aspirations for much, much more. I'm also learning to make them better. I've experimented with different stitches and even glue. I got the inspiration for these at Homemade By Jill (who I would like to congratulate on her new baby boy!) and she got the inspiration at Mahar Dry Goods (a totally cute sight that I'm in love with now) and they are made by Hillary Seabolt. Now theirs are definitely a lot better and more finished looking than mine. I've adapted mine because right now I'm not very practiced at sewing on a machine so I am using embroidery thread and hand sewing in cute chunky colors instead. I'm ready to sign up for a Felt-Anon group, I am so gonna need support to quit this habit. As it is I spend so much time surfing the web for more felt food ideas. I'm surprised at how much I keep finding.
I am also making Zion some felt hair clips. The felt helps the clip to stay in the hair and I can design them to match her outfits (a photo of the clips will come soon).

Zion was bit by the craft bug lately too (and you should SEE all the things Gabe has made and yet he still asks multiple times daily to make something). She hauls Gabe's water colors palate all around the house asking to paint. So today, for a mere .89 cents, I picked up a paint with water book at Target. She loved it.

So cute it's scary. Even though this is obviously a Halloween outfit I think he'll be wearing it more just because it's so darn true. Over the weekend Jamie helped me get the kids out to update their portraits. Gideon got his six-month pics done and Zion her two-year. They turned out so cute, I can't wait to get them back.


Joel said...

Those look awesome! Hand sewn? You must have way more energy than I do. Can't wait to see what else you have, and what the kids have come up with.

Emily Schueler said...

Where do you find the time my dear? They are marvelous!

Martha said...

LOVE that felt food!!! You're so creative! Oh, I just love those mini-pies. Did all the MOPS love the cherry cake pops? Were they like Bakerella's?