I know, I know, it was long overdue. Poor kid. I treat his hair much like my own, waffling between prefering something short and something long (which is actually less of a preference and more laziness in actually getting it cut). But his superfine hair gets so crazy, it always looks uncombed. It gets to be so ratted in the back from sleeping and sitting in his carseat. Nothing I can do makes it look nice. Then again, when he's had short cuts in the past I thought it made him look a little startled. Anyway, I'm making a short story long. Here's the before and after pics (I didn't get a before of the
His hair got tousled a bit before taking the picture, it is actually even in the front and looks better in real life. At least it's under control and he won't get upset when it's time to comb his hair anymore.
On another note, Gabe was very excited for school today. It is his week to bring snack and to be the "special helper" in class. Yesterday we made his favorite snack mix. His favorite because he gets to help me make it, he loves to help in the kitchen. In class he gets to
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