We've returned early from a wonderful weekend getaway and I will return and write about that soon. For now, I'll take care of the sad part. Within minutes of leaving the restaurant where we celebrated Rob's birthday with a super yummy dinner my cell phone rang, it was our house sitter. She came to our house this evening and found my favorite cat, Ben, passed away. He was lying in between the food bowl and water bowl and almost looked like he was sleeping. I'm shocked and confused and so very sad and I feel terrible that this happened on Rob's birthday and that we had to break the kids' hearts by cutting our vacation short.
Ben was found by a police office in the middle of the Jamestown Bridge in Rhode Island. He was a tiny ball of gray fur, covered with fleas and filthy. He'd been abandoned there, we guess, most likely from someone who was trying to get rid of an unwanted kitten by tossing him over the bridge. He was blessed that he somehow managed to stay on the bridge.
When the office tried to catch him Ben panicked and ran. He was moments from dashing in front of a moving vehicle when the officer stepped in his path and scooped him up. He was blessed he didn't get crushed.
The officer brought him to the animal hospital where I worked where the doctor had to remove one of his hind legs because it was so damaged. But Ben survived and had such a great attitude.
He picked me. In one look I knew what he knew, he was going home with me. He's been my special boy since then. Such a funny character. Such a great heart. I named him Benedetto which means "wellblessed".
When he stretched up he was at least as tall as the top of the kitchen counter. Not that he would do any thing so naughty as to try to steal from the counter. He had great manners. He loved tuna but that was the only thing he ever begged for.
He was faster than our four-legged cats and could jump to the top of our six-foot fence without a problem.
Frequently when he wanted in he'd go to the front door and sit on the milk box and stare in the window until some one opened the door. With the exception of the aforementioned tuna, he never yowled to get what he wanted.
He was such a sweet boy. I just don't understand. This may seem so silly to write about but my heart is really breaking and I don't know what else to do. It was a year ago that we lost Spot unexpectedly as well. She has been on my mind a lot lately as well. Now this.

My last photo of Ben and not a very good one. I'd been thinking lately that I needed to get a photo of him sitting on the milk box looking in the window but I didn't. Now I feel worse than ever.