Saturday, October 22, 2011

Around the House

Had a great day puttering around the house yesterday.  I’m still amazed at everything I got done.  In addition to general cleaning and normal kid stuff (you know, feeding, changing, bus stop…) I decorated for Fall (a little late to cross that off the to-do list but at least I got it done before Christmas) and organized a couple areas in the house.

First, the top of my cookbook shelf (that would be a four-shelf bookshelf actually, I have a small cookbook addiction – not just small cookbooks either, I collect big ones too, and ones in between – ha ha ha) was a true hazard to anything that might need to be put there.  I wish I’d taken a before picture, but here it is after:


Let’s just say this is a dramatic improvement.  It’s so much nicer to look at this.  The black bowl holds some of the veggies we get from our CSA, this time it’s potatoes, onion and a couple of kinds of squash.  The peppermill and two spice containers were my grandmothers and still hold ginger and baking powder (which I don’t plan to use), the old egg beater and iron came from antique stores a town over, the cotton branch was a find of Rob’s on his last business trip.  I love that he brought it back for me, the kids were fascinated with pulling cotton off and feeling the seeds inside.  We would not find something like this around here, that’s for sure.

I pulled out the Fall decorations box and got the house all dolled up with oranges and browns (my favorites) and used the pumpkins and gourds we got from the CSA to decorate the front stoop.  Now doesn’t that look warm and welcoming!  The CSA sells corn stalks and I was hoping to nab some but I couldn’t fit them in the van with the kids.  Kids?  Corn stalks?  Kids?  Corn stalks?  *sigh*  I guess I have to choose the kids.


Last night I had my first knit night for a while.  When the ladies left one of them pointed out my newly decorated front stoop had welcomed a visitor.


This little guy was sitting on my door handle.  Isn’t he cute?! 


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