First order of business, donuts for breakfast. Yum!
After breakfast we get the kids dressed and run a couple errands.
What?! Not what you were expecting me to say? Well, Gabe had an ear infection and had to have a course of antibiotics which we got at Target.
Are you wondering where this is going? he he
Well, Target apparently has this neat program. When we picked up the medicine they gave Gabe a chart and stickers. Every time he took a dose he put a sticker on the chart. When he was done we took it back to Target and Gabe got to pick a toy out of the prize box. What a great way to help Gabe to help me to remember his medicine.
Then we hit the library. Had a couple of returns to make but what we were really hoping for was that there would be a Play Pass checked in. SCORE! There was one! The Play Pass helped us on our next venture - the Children's Museum! The Play Pass is a special card that you check out from the library (duh) that gives you four FREE entries into the museum. They are rarely checked in as I'm sure you can see why they would be popular. But, thank you God, there was one for us today!
Then we get to the museum and the woman at the counter asked how old Gideon was and when we told her we were there today to celebrate his 2nd birthday she let him in for free too. Yippee!
Anyway, there is a big area with trees and gardens where you can pick the fruits and vegetables. I guess someone has to put them back.
Then back home we head for nap. I think I may have needed it more than the kids today. While Gideon and Zion napped Rob put together the water table we got Gideon for his birthday. Now I'm hoping my little Dowser won't have to hunt for puddles in the yard or put dirt in the dog water.
Our fun day technically didn't end there. After dinner we had to run off to get Gabe to AWANA and us to Bible study from which we often get back late. So now we are home, the kids are in bed and I can sit down and tell you all about it.
Yep. It's been a great day!