My oh my, what a busy week! I've hardly had time to check e-mail let alone blog or anything.
Monday started bright and early with set up at the church where I am a MOPS table leader. Normally I don't do set up but Tuesday's meeting was the annual special meeting that is run by the table leaders. This year's theme was Jazz N Java so we set up the meeting room to look like like a jazzy little coffee shop complete with a stage with instruments and a plate glass window looking out on a city (which was painted by the table leaders too only not me 'cause I couldn't get a sitter to go to that meeting). Later my neighbor helped me get one of my cats to the vet. Turns out the poor little guy has an ear infection. The rest of the day was filled with cooking and baking, besides taking care of the kids that is.
Tuesday was the meeting itself and that was such a good time. Three ladies gave their testimonies and I was very blessed by what they shared. My table had a good chat too and it was just a really good time. Well, when you set up you have to take down so I stayed to help with that. Then home for lunch and for the kids to nap so I can clean. That was the plan anyway. Zion started howling shortly after going down and woke up Gideon so no nap for them. I finished the dishes and then got us the heck out of the house, staying home was going to make us all nuts. Off to an errand that I'd been meaning to run for a week but the rain was keeping me from it and then off to Gabe's swim class.
Wednesday is usually preschool at my house for Gabe and his friend Isaac but with sickness and busyness we decided to skip this week. We are learning about Ireland however so next week we'll be having an Irish meal to end the month. Can't wait! Still Nora, Isaac and Sarah still came to play but not until I hauled all the kids to our elementary school to register Gabe for Kindergarten in the fall. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Did I just say that? Yep, and boy is he excited. I am too but I won't really know how I feel until I put him on the bus. I think I may have a change of heart.
Later that night while Gabe was at AWANA my friend Laura came so I could teach her how to knit. Yeah. Only been doing it a few months myself but I'm already roping others in to the craft. Truth be told she and I and a few other friends have something special up our sleeves but I can't talk about it yet. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll blab and probably have pictures. Patience!
Thursday morning is Bible study for me and this week was no exception. A quick lunch at home after that so we can have Gabe's friend Gabe (yep, two of them AND they have the same birthday) and his mom came over to play. The boys played Lego Indiana Jones on the Playstation2 (gotta get that game!) while the mamas got our knit on. Love having other ladies to knit with, thinking about starting a monthly group. Had to cut out early to head to the Y so Nora and I could try
Zumba. Let's just say that I'm really glad we tried the Basic class first. Oh. My. Goodness! I was so out of breath and got to a good reminder of how not graceful I am. Hm. I think I may try it again but I'm really going to have to psych myself up first. Then we all got to go to Nora's house for dinner and then Matthew took all the boys (except Gideon) to swim class while the girls I (and Gideon) stayed back to play. Not to knit though. Can't convince Nora of that one. :)
Friday. Whew, is the week not over yet? Friday mornings are always a bit obnoxious in their busyness. Awakened by an alarm clock, feed us all quick, quick, quick, then off to the Y for Gabe's sports class, Zion's swim class and then my water aerobics class. So tired by the time we leave and not just because of the workout. This particular Friday was also my monthly movie night so after feeding the kids lunch (with the help of Taco Time) I cleaned a bit. A real little bit. My darn cold still has me pretty low in energy so I'm doing only as much as necessary. This month we watched While You Were Sleeping, a favorite of mine, and I also made a lot of progress on my current knitting project.
*sigh* I'm exhausted just from rehashing all this. It was a fun week though. Here are some more highlights in picture:

I got Gabe to play in shaving cream. A couple of years ago I would have told you this never would have happened. Judging by the look on his face he's still warming up to the idea. He doesn't do textures well. At all. But he didn't throw up and said he would do it again so we're golden.

Zion wore a totally cute outfit and ran from the camera. Nothing new there.

Gideon got his very first sandwich. Jam no peanut butter. Totally loved it. He's busting through tooth number six. That will make four on the top and two on the bottom. He's also starting to move around a lot more and pull himself up on things. Usually me. Still, I thought he was never going to crawl. Not that I'm complaining. I keep saying that God knew I didn't need another mobile child right now so he was keeping Gideon content to sit where I put him. Not for much longer.

Me? I got a hair cut and had Gabe take a picture of me. Didn't he do such a great job!
Sheesh! I thought I was busy! You all did a great job with Jazz n Java - always one of my favorite days at MOPS! You rock!
You're awesome, Julie! I love your busyness . . . it's fun to do lots of different things!
I love that photo of you...Gabe did a great job! You're so brave to get such a short hair cut...but it's SO cute.
Gideon's getting so big so fast...he's just adorable!
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